I've also had the opportunity to go up to Winnipeg and visit my favorite people a couple times, here are there lovely faces.

I hang out with beautiful girls sometimes...

I didn't think that my best photo ever would be of Matt, but I thank you Matt for having a face.

This bug has nothing to do with anything

tree climbing is just to easy for some people. Steph needed the challenge of awkward, artistic architecture.
The Peg was fun, though I may never look at ginger ale the same ever again.
Mwa ha ha ha....
i always forget how studly mike quiring is until i am reminded through a picture/visual of somekind. oh mike quiring...
so...hmmm...i guess i should have deleted that picture when i had the chance...now its posted on the world-wide web for all to see...
anyhow, glad you guys came "up" that was quite the fun time. Sorry to scar your ginger ale drinking experience...but its for your own good. trust me on that one. ;)
how was camp? wish i could have been there! but i guess i needed some R & R at the same time, life and its contradictory desires! :P
talk to you later my friend.
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